“I cannot recommend Ash / FreshTies highly enough. Expertise is delivered seemingly effortlessly to deliver incredible results, as well as profound and powerful insights helping you and your organisation move forwards.”
Vin Wijeratne.
Former Chief Financial Officer. The Royal Mint.
“Several nurses were lost to stress and pressure of intimidating situations. After FreshTies training – staff can mentally take themselves out of the situation, keep emotions in check, feel calm, collected and confident. Staff can diffuse situations. One staff member said she felt so empowered she could have flown! Worth every penny.”
Carey Bloomer RGN.
Registered Nurse Manager, Managing Director
About our community training.
Whilst travelling as a child with my family, we visited South Africa, and were confronted with apartheid. I saw two playgrounds, one with the sign “Whites Only”, the other with the sign “Coloureds Only”. I felt as if I was suffocating and wanted to run into the “wrong” playground. I didn’t.
With FreshTies I have since learned skills to manage my emotions and be true to myself. Now I would run into that “wrong” playground to protest.
Cath Hinksman (pictured below).

Ash has a keen eye, reads his group audience and easily adapts to the audience. Participants state he’s made a big impact on their lives and they are using his strategies in their everyday lives.
Jackie Holly. Community Regeneration Officer
It is the foundation of mental skills and practical skills which are brilliantly adapted to clients, helping us achieve our outcomes, which makes our jobs easier.
Kurt Sawyer, Employability Support Worker
Before. I wasn’t happy about going out. Now I can go out the house
and not care about people judging. Just smiling beaming.
And my son is happier because I am happier. He’ll be confident
because I will do a great job raising him.
Lynn (name changed) Part of a single mums group.
I was so ill with traumatised flashbacks and everything was so negative and felt what is the point? I am getting my humour back and my happy thoughts. I’ve come a long way. That first session, everything suddenly felt normal around me, and it felt odd, it took a bit of time to get used to feeling like myself again.
The tools l learned and the stuff done makes you feel a lot stronger. I don’t have to hide from anyone anymore. I started opening my mail up again. I never thought I’d go for a jog again, but have. I am now teaching my nephew had to deal with negative thoughts.
Mandy (name changed). Part of a single mums group.
About our trauma work
“Ash builds a solid foundation of self, strengths and insight from where indivdiuals can recover and strenghen from difficulty through a blend of effective approaches; thereby promoting them to feel stronger, wiser and better equipped than before.”
Vin Wijeratne.
Former Strategic Planning Director, Orange / Everything Everywhere.
Below, identities are protected regarding vulnerable individuals.
‘I really enjoyed our sessions with Ash. It was a very enjoyable way of building confidence and self-esteem… and a very therapeutic process.”
From a group of 13-14 year olds, not in mainstream education.
Support worker speaking about two clients
who experienced significant traumatic situation.
“Both J. and P. discovered who they are, their strengths, whilst dealing
with significant life experiences. Just dramatic transformations…”
J’s anger issues have calmed down so much, and when disagreeing with people.. and can say it’s ok instead of flaring up. And J does not react to seeing flashing lights anymore because of the fire incident J was rescued from – and can ask for help now. Seems like a new person…”
“P was getting angry, not knowing what to do with his son (getting bullied), or his life. P couldn’t connect to people and discovered why for 40 years P would push people away.”
“Realised only P could make the change in self….
and learned emotional skills that changed how he is,
and strategies to engage with people. P’s son is in a new school, and learning confidence from P.”